Designer creations
available on Ebay
Click on the buttons above to view the
details of current Ebay
Items listed on Ebay are not
available for direct purchase from OUD at a minimum during the duration of
the Ebay listing period, pending a successful sale.
Designer creations available direct from OUD
Click here to link to
the following OUD photo albums.
OUD Portfolio
This album contains a portfolio of our designs, those that are currently
available, as well as some of our old favorites.
OUD Current Designs
This album contains our currently available designer fashions. If
you see something you like, write down the item number, and submit your
order using our Orders/Questions Form.
Custom Designer Creations
You've got something in your closet that
you love, but it needs to be updated. An OUD artist can give you
back that gorgeous design with a new flare for the upcoming season.
Order your designer creation (custom or
direct) today!!